Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Visual Development: Lighting Scenes (Project 1)

This month in my Visual Development class, we have learned how to do a various amount of things to make a scene more appealing for the audience through lighting, knowing which types of lights to use in a specific type of scene, how to layout UV's properly and create the textures in PhotoShop for those UV's, caustics, render passes and compositing them together in Nuke, and also how to create layered textures in the hyper shade of Maya to create the textured look that you are aiming for on the objects in the scene.

For our first project in this class, we learned about how to light a scene properly.

Picture on the Left: I adjusted the color, intensity, light shape, and size of the light in the back room (area light) to give it the appearance of an incandescent light. The light that is shining on the door is a directional light that had it's color, intensity, location, position, and the size adjusted to shine on the correct spot.
Picture on the Right: From the first lit scene, we added a black body to the area light in the back room, and readjusted the intensities and color of the light. From there, more area lights were added to the scene to light up the very back room, and the room with the bottle in it to give it the appearance that it is in a day-time setting.

In both of these projects, we learned how to deal with the shadow rays and making the shadows more appealing. Also, we learned how to adjust the point interpolation to adjust the look of the scene.

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