Anyways, for our first project - we are working with Fluids. Our assignment was to have an object in your scene that is emitting fire, anything that is the size of a campfire or larger.
From there, I decided to make a bonfire with wooden pallets instead of just regular wooden logs. I used the boards of the pallets as the emitters, brought up the opacity of the fire quite a bit, inserted area and ambient lights in the scene (to make the effect of the fire emitting light on the objects around it), and adjusted various settings inside of the fluid to give it its color, randomness, speed, and crisp look.
Here is my "Work In Progress" video of my current Fluids project:
I am learning so much about fluids and the effects that you can create from them! I am excited to finish this project. Also, I realize that the speed is a little too much for this kind of fire, so I plan on slowing it down and also adding in particles for the umbers of the fire. My aim is to match a reference video (one I have chosen) as closely as possible - so I may have to make several more adjustments for the final product.
Stay tuned for the final project! Thank you!