Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Character Animation 2: Sound Clip Project Final

The purpose of this project was to learn how to animate the facial movements of the character to match his emotions, and to make the mouth movement match up with the sound to make it believable. I actually really enjoyed this project! I originally thought that lip syncing a character with sound would be difficult to do, and it definitely is a little tricky at first. However, with a little practice and research, you can really create a great lip sync project. I did not encounter too many issues with this project, other than animations issues - trying to make his movements convey with what he was talking about.

I am still learning how to make stronger poses, moving holds, and anticipations as I journey through my schooling. However,  I feel as though I have learned a lot in this class and can really gain from the projects that we did. Finally, here is my final Sound Clip project. Enjoy!

Below, I have included the pre pro that I created prior to this project. I have created two pages of exploratory drawings, the storyboard, and I also filmed my reference. From here, I was able to understand what my composition was going to look like, what action lines I needed to make, and what possible poses I could create as well.

I admit, my drawings are not the greatest and most professional-looking drawings. However, they do get the job done of allowing me to understand how I need to pose my character and my camera for my project. 

Thank you! I hope you enjoyed this! :)

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