Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Milestone 1: Progress Update

I have officially began the first part of my demo reel! Yesterday (March 2nd) I began my PCC1 class where I will be rigging the female model that I had previously talked about. The first milestone for this project is due on Thursday (March 5). This milestone is just to update my teacher about where I am on this project and how far I have progressed in the past week.

As of right now, I have created all of the control icons and put them in their respective places, created the hierarchy for the joint systems, constrained the icons to their respective joints, created an IKFK switch for both of the arms (using SDK), and created a visibility swap attribute (using SDK) for both "FK Fingers" and "FK Toes". Tomorrow, I plan to create all of the attributes for the fingers on the hand control, and all of the toe attributes for the toes on the foot control - all using SDK. Doing this method of including attributes as well as FK controls give animator more freedom with what kind of system they are most comfortable with, and I find that extremely important to always keep the animator in mind.

After adding the attributes to the hands and feet, I plan to bind the mesh to it's skeleton and once that is done, I will tackle the facial rig! I am very enthusiastic about this project and cannot wait to show you all of my hard work! Thank you for your time and interest.

Current Status of the Rig:
(The FK controls are currently turned off for the fingers and toes. The IK control is currently turned off for the arms as well. The control is placed right around the wrists when shown.)

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